This is the homepage of the website we wanted to make it quite simple so we added a white background with bold titles and a bold picture. We wanted it all to match so we made it the same image as the one on the front of the digipack. In addition, we made the background have a crystallised look so that it links with the bands name "Crystal Code". We created the tabs at the top so they would be white and match the back ground and made it blue when your on the tab so its easy to see. After researching many different websites I noticed that the homepage usually has a bold picture at the top or in the middle so we decided to place ours in the middle of the page so that it catches the audiences eye. We've also placed the logo right beside the artist so it looks like she's looking at it and made the two C's at the side look like wings.
The second page is the about us page where we have some animations of speakers that move and when you click on them they play one of the bands featured songs. Next to it is the bands song 'lost' with the lyrics. We made this so its easy to find and wouldn't confuse the audience. We placed the details on the left and a image of the artist on the right. We decided to make our website simple yet bold so that its intriguing but anyone that views it will know where everything is and won't get easily confused.
The image above is a screenshot of the gallery this is simply images of the band categorised with the main artist first and pictures of the other members of the band after. This is because the bands image is of the lead singer. Again, it has a simple black background with a white one on top of it, on the left is a image of one of the band members with equipment and on the right are images of the lead singer. This is also easy to use and has a scroller to flick through the images with ought any hassle.
The final page is the contact us page which has all the information to contact the band for example Facebook, twitter, email, address and beside is a form which the fans can fill in and send to the band, like fan mail but an easier internet version. Theres also animated cassettes on the bottom left hand side of the site which spin around and a little icon to click on the side to flick through the bands music. Theres also a tour site which has all of the dates for when the band are on tour and previous tour videos.