Tuesday 1 November 2011

Analysis of Kesha's music video - Your love is my drug

We were given a task in lesson to analysis a music video of our choice in pairs and then present our ideas to the class. My partner and I chose Kesha's - your love is my drug; below is the music video and points we developed. 

  • Shot types: starts with a close up, point of view shots, long shots to show the settings, close ups of animals to show she's in a different country, shot of her legs to show she's walking to the point ( this helps it to flow) and is common in most music videos.
  • She's wearing a mask to show she's part of the environment.
  • She points at the camera to interact with the audience.
  • When she sings your love is my drug the bug eye effect comes up to symbolise a feeling of being high.
  • Camera movement: tracks in a close up to show surroundings. 
  • The bright colours and animals make the music video interesting and make the audience continue watching.
  • Intertextuality is also used, the audience can relate to the music video even more if they have been high.
  • Point of view shot is used a lot in order to make the audience involved with the narrative.
  • A lot of jump cuts which is common in music videos.
  • Kesha and the camera move a lot from rocks to animals. A lot of space is used.
  • The outfits represent the hippie style of life which also connects to the lyrics. Hippies are also known for getting high which links with the name of the song.
  • The cartoon effects relates to the hippies again and the sense of being high, this symbolises the relationship between visuals and lyrics.
  • The turning into cartoons to represent invincibility and again being high.
  • The star transition to go from cartoon back to real life.
  • Cartoons link with jolly music, she's swimming like a mermaid to show how happy she is and to symbolise the sense of freedom.
  • The sunset is romantic, connects the two characters.
  • The glowing neon paint relates with the landscape and looks tribal. Also multicoloured represents hippie and how happy she is.

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