Tuesday 29 November 2011

Analysis of previous student work

Overall I would say that this music video is intriguing and makes you want to watch more, however, I didn't like the use of words on the screen because I found them quite distracting and pointless. The video starts with a fade in mid shot of the main characters face as he wakes u, I thought this was a very effective opening shot and instantly grabs the audiences attention. They then sped up the video as he got ready and left the house. I also noticed that they muted the background noises throughout the music video except for when he closed the door to leave. I found that quite pointless and think it would sound better if it wasn't there. In addition, I feel like they didn't use enough extreme close ups, close ups and jump cuts. These are the general conventions of a music video and it would have looked more professional if they were included. I liked the fact that they used a range of numerous different locations from Kingston to central London, also the fact that the music video seemed to be in sync and kept to the beat with the track they chose. However, because they went to different locations they could have filmed some more interesting shots other than just him walking around. The shots that I found effective was the shot of him standing amongst all the people while their walking in fast motion and when they used slow motion then straight after fast motion. I think they used the right amount of transitions because too many can seem tacky, the transitions they used were fade in, fade out, and blur. Halfway through the music video they change into black and white for when the main character is rapping. It would have been more effective here if they used diverse shots on him and close ups. The birds eye view shot of the coffee with a heart shape looked very professional and it then went on to a shot of him reading the newspaper through the shop window which made the video of a higher quality. In conclusion, I understood the storyline of the music video, it was intriguing and made the audience want to watch more and the only thing about it i disliked was the use of words and animated images on the screen. So overall I would say that this music  video is a success a received a fairly high mark.    

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