Wednesday 30 November 2011

Research on costumes/shot types

Costumes can be very vital in a music video given the fact that it can represent and symbolise the mood of the main character, what genre the song is and sometimes what era the video is set in. Ive researched various music videos that our similar to ours and added below the costumes we could get ideas from. 

This is a screen shot from Adele's music video Someone like you. The costume in this video is just a black coat and jeans, which portrays that she is depressed. We like some of the shots in this music video such as: the tracking shot when she walks into the scene, and the close ups of her face.  

These are different shots used in Beyonce's music video Broken hearted girl. My partner and I have decided that we like a number of shots from this video. For example, the silhouette, over exposer, and the use of black and white. 

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