Monday 10 October 2011

How a star's image develops over time through music videos

This is our opening slide to show which star we are analyzing, which includes pictures of them before and after fame.

This is the introduction which includes brief biographical detail and an indication of which music genres they have worked in. 

The third slide shows what songs the star is famous for, how well their music has done and how they are established in the earliest videos.

This slide shows who the star was influenced by, how many awards they have won and how many singles/albums they have sold. 

The fifth slide has two links to you tube on it which contains music videos before and after fame. This shows what their early image was and how they changed due to fame. 

The sixth slide shows how the record company sell the artist and how the star is portrayed in the media.

This slide shows how the artist's image has changed from 2009-2011.

The eighth slide explains the techniques used in one of the stars well known music video. It also shows if there's close ups, and how the hairstyle, costume, props, and settings are used to support the stars image. 

The final slide is a conclusion on how the artist is perceived and how they have influenced fans. 

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