Friday 21 October 2011

Intertextuality in a music video

Intertextuality is the shaping of texts meanings by other texts, the essence of intertextuality is using something from which the audience may be familiar with and generate associations and new meanings.  Music videos are frequently using previous texts to spark recognition in the audience. However, not all audiences will spot the reference and even though it won't massively detract from there pleasure it has been argued that people who understand the reference connect with it more. Many music videos take reference from television, cinema, fashion and art photography. Media texts are framed but other texts and some argue that they are constructed more by there intertextuality than by there creators. 

Here are some examples of music videos containing intertextuality:

Eminem - Without Me

This music video demonstrates intertextuality by using the format and layout of a comic book. This is shown by the use of the animated words and extravagant costumes.

Chipmunk - Chip Diddy Chip

This uses intertextuality because its based in a school and shows the everyday life of school kids. Its shown by the setting, dancers and costumes.

Pink - Stupid Girls

The artist uses intertextuality by showing how stupid some girls are portrayed as in the media. This is shown with the shots of her walking into a door, undergoing pointless plastic surgery and being bulimic.   

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