Tuesday 11 October 2011

Little Red Riding Hood story board

We created a story board on 20 post it notes for the well known fairytale 'Little red riding hood', but instead of making it like a story we created it as a music video. This made a huge difference on deciding the pictures to draw in. For example music videos are usually disjunctive; contain mostly close ups, jump shots and the images dont have to create a story. However in contrast, a story has to flow and make sense along with containing numerous long shots and barely any jump cuts. 

The next task we were given was to eliminate half of the post it notes. The aim of this was to create disjuncture in the story which is commonly used in music videos. This helped us realise that even though half of the post it notes were gone we could still use the remaining ones to create an effective music video and narrative. Below is a picture of the 10 remaining post it notes. 

We then removed some more post it notes so that we were left with only 3. Below is the pictures of our final story board. 

We eliminated all but 3 of the post it notes so that we could start thinking about the camera shots, movements and transitions in order to make it watchable. This task helped me realise the amount of work that will have to be put into our final music video and how to create a music video from a story.

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